Thursday, July 28, 2016

ECMYNN is supported by the entities of the territory to connect with young people

30 social entities participate on ECMYNN`s youth integration process at San Sadurniño

Almost thirty social entities of the territory were recently convened by the municipality of San Sadurniño for the second day of work framed in the ECMYNN, the European project where the Local Administration participate, and where the objective is to improve the skills of the people and institutions that are involved in the field of employment and training for youth. The meetings look for to integrate the entities in the participatory phase of the project in order to build bridges with the groups of young people who are in each area of the territory with the aim to discover their training needs, labour expectations or even leisure preferences.

Another of the objectives of the meetings is to publicize the Youth House of San Sadurniño. This is a space that has already been in operation for several months as a facility for training courses and lectures. However, as its name indicates, the building is meant to be a reference for the youth activity from the point of view of training and leisure.

The Youth House has three rooms and even a soundproof one that can be used how music test office. At the moment there is not an ordinance that regulates the use of the building formally, which does not detract from the fact that those entities or informal groups of youngsters can request the spaces for specific acts. The City Council wants that the building can be self-managed by young people with activities organized preferably by their own. For that reason the meetings of social research of ECMYNN will also be designed to detect the needs and perspectives of the use of the facilities by the young population, which is around 18 per cent of the total of San Sadurniño’s population.

To the last meetings came 40 people in representation of the 30 convened entities, and in addition the responsibles of different municipal departments. Above the table was the request that the entities could encourage the youngsters to integrate them into the project How?, maintaining informal meetings with the support team to the European project and asking them what are their needs: labour, leisure, training, etc.

The work plan envisages to schedule these meetings until the end of October to, already in November, put in order for the information gathered and to develop proposals for action, which will be submitted at the beginning of the year, first in San Sadurniño, and after in Romania - in the last ECMYNN transnational event – as a part of the results obtained together with the rest of European entities involved in the project.

The ultimate ECMYNN goal is to define a guide of good practices with proven results that could be useful for entities all over Europe which work in the field of youth and which enable them to better connect with interests and needs of youngsters, especially in issues related with work and training.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

San Sadurniño looks for involvement of the social fabric in the development of ECMYNN european project

Council and associations meeting

Around ten neighborhood, cultural and sports associations of the town met last thursday called by the municipality in order to know deeply the ECMYNN european project and how they can collaborate in its development. It is a transnational initiative inside the ERASMUS + programme participated by entities from Romania, Polland, Italy and Greece. Its goal is to elaborate strategies to allow connect in a more effective way with youngsters less than 30 in the inclusion of labor market or in their education improvement, in a moment with high levels of unemployment, such as it was comented in the meeting. The departments of Vocational Counseling and Local Development asked for help of the social fabric. Firstly, contributing with ideas and mainly with the involvement of youngsters that they know in the final phase of the project. It now starts and will try to be ended for the results presentations in the beginning of next year.

ECMYNN is the acronym in english of Enhancing Competences to Meet Young Neet´s Needs. The project is all financed by EU, inside ERASMUS + programme . It started in May 2015 and will finish in 2017. Here are cooperating public bodies -italian municipality San Giovanni Teatino and San Sadurniño- with other related with third sector and social action, such as the italian Lynx Territorio Sociale, Caritas Gdansk (Polland), ASCETIS (Romania) and Atom Lifelong Learning from Greece.

Since last year, it was advanced the definition of work methodology, pick up and share good practices that already exist in the several countries related with youngsters that don´t are studying or working for various reasons: lack of opportunities, lack of training, personnel reasons, context or even lack of interest to enter to the labor market or improve their skills. The sociologist Ismael Blanco, -the technician in charge to carry out the final phase of ECMYNN in San Sadurniño-, said during the meeting “it isn´t an homogeneous group, they have a lot of realities”.

So it is , the context of the project work manage ages among 16 and 29 yo, in real life they are “several generations” with different caracteristics and interests and are important to discover. And in this part are important the social entities, Their main rol is mediate in order to “break the invisible barrier” that separates young people and institutions. Social fabric is needed to generates ideas and boosts in order to youngsters want to participate in several work meetings and tell about their whole needs: leisure, vocational, laboral...

The point of the meetings is going to be the Young House, in order to foment the use of its facilities and become in a reference space to youngsters. However, social investigation phase considers go to different points of youth meeting, such as activities organized during summer by the municipality or social entities. In fact, the pick up of information doesn´t be limited only with young people from San Sadurniño or less than 30 because, such as Blanco said, the definition of youngster reaches life styles and troubles that “in the last years have increased up to 35 or more years”

The programme defined by the municipality,makes appointments of coordination with social entities and secondary school, during July and September. Among September and October it will be carried out meetings with youngsters and in November it will be organized the information picked up in the process in order to elaborate proposals of actuation. It will be presented during the beginning of next year in Romania (last transnational meeting) and in San Sadurniño, as a part of results obtained with the whole entities involved in ECMYNN.

The main aim of ECMYNN is to define a guide of good practices with contrasted results which could be used by entities and technicians who work with youth around the whole Europe and would allow connect better with their interests and needs, specially in the fields of work and training. “We try to do something useful, not only to San Sadurniño. “We try that public policies addressed to those ages be designed by themselves”.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

ATAC contest , an innovative method of attraction of NEETS to ASCETIS new services .

Anunț și regulament concurs ATAC
Asociația pentru Știință , Cultură , Ecologie , Tineret și Integrare Socială –ACETIS în parteneriat cu Primaria Comunei San Giovani Teatino din Italia lansează concursul ”Am Talent , Am Competență-ATAC” în cadrul proiectului de partneriat strategic Erasmus+ destinat tinerilor NEETS cu titlul ECMYNN (Enhancing Competences to Meet Young's NEETs Needs) având  codul 2014-2-IT03-KA205-004558.
Concursul este destinat tinerilor cu vârste cuprinse între 15 si 29 de ani care nu  frecventează cursurie unei școli , nu participă la cursuri de calificare și nu sunt angajați cu contract de muncă sau convenție civilă.
Desfășurarea concursului :
Etapa 1 . Înscrierea participanților .
Înscrierea se va face pe baza unui formular de înscriere on-line ce se găsește la link-ul de mai jos  pana la data de 15.09.2016.
Etapa 2 . Selectarea participanilor
Selecția se va face pe baza fișierelor trimise de participanți ce vor conține documente de tip word-poveste sau prezentare power-point ,filme sau link-uri către inregistrări , blog-uri , site-uri , care dovedesc talentul sau competenta lor . Pentru unele lămuriri participantii pot fi contactați pentru un interviu în etapa de selecție. Selecția se va face in perioada 1.09.2016 – 29.10.2016
Etapa3. Concursul final
Concursul final va lua forma unui festival și avea loc în Piatra-Neamț în  perioada Octombrie-Decembrie  2016 la o data și o locație ce vor  fi stabilite ulterior procesului de selecție .
 El se va desfasura in fata unui public larg , a unui juriu desemnat de Asociatia ASCETIS și a unor angajatori ce vor fi invitați sa facă oferte de muncă.
 Premii acordate de asociația  ASCETIS :
Marele premiu   1000 lei
Locul I                     200 lei
Locul II                    150 lei
Locul III                   100 lei
În funcție de sponsorizările atrase se pot acorda și alte premii .
La concurs pot participa doar tineri cu vârsta între 15 și 29 de ani care nu frecventează cursurie unei școli/curs de calificare și nu sunt angajați cu  contract de muncă sau convenție civilă la data înscrierii în concurs .

Înscrierea se face numai pe baza formularelor completate on-line la link-ul